

• The mayor of the municipality, the municipality in the City of Skopje and the City of Skopje, is obliged to organize separate collection of waste equipment from households, to organize its collection by an authorized collection service provider, to determine and organize collection points for separate collection of waste equipment in collection centers or other temporarily determined locations on the entire territory of the municipality, the municipalities in the City of Skopje and the City of Skopje, where end users will be able to leave household waste equipment free of charge.

• When determining the locations of the collection centers, the number of residents in the settlement should be taken into account, whereby at least one collection center should be provided at the municipality level, i.e. at least one collection center for 30.000 inhabitants Collection centers include the existing ones and locations for reception of separately collected fractions of municipal waste, if these places meet the appropriate conditions.

• The organizational units for regional waste management and the municipalities, the municipalities in the City of Skopje and the city of Skopje are obliged to inform the public about the addresses of the collection centers on the territory of the municipality, the municipalities in the City of Skopje and the City of Skopje included in the waste equipment management system or for the location of the assembly points.