Additional and renewed WEEE infrastructure in the municipality of Demir Kapija Complementing and renewing the already existing infrastructure with a new... MORE
WEEE infrastructure installed in Sinpeks-Bitola The Sinpeks company from Bitola as a socially responsible company and... MORE
ELKOLEKT – member of WEEE Forum, International Association of Electronic Waste Producer Responsibility Organisations ELKOLEKT – Member of WEEE Forum, International Association of... MORE
Cooperation between OOU "Krume Kepeski" - Kisela Voda and Elkolekt DOO Cooperation Between OOU "Krume Kepeski" - Kisela Voda And... MORE
Cooperation between the Municipality of Zrnovci and PUK Vodna Kula Zrnovci with Elkolekt DOO Cooperation between the Municipality of Zrnovci and PUC Water Tower Zrnovci... MORE
The cooperation between JPKD MAVROVO and Elkolekt continues The cooperation between JPKD MAVROVO and Elkolekt continues within... MORE
Cooperation between Gevgelija Municipality and Elkolekt DOO Cooperation between the Municipality of Gevgelija and Elkolekt D.O.O. Within... MORE
Cooperation between PE "Kamena Reka" Makedonska Kamenica and Elkolekt DOO Cooperation between PE "Kamena Reka" from Makedonska Kamenica and... MORE
Municipality of Pehchevo without electronic waste in cooperation with Elkolekt Municipality of Pehcevo Without Electronic Waste In Cooperation With Elkolekt... MORE
Renovated site for electric lamps in Elektrometal Renovated location for electric lamps in Electrometal Our mission... MORE