We undertake the obligations of our members to implement extended producer responsibility and are committed to protecting the environment and human life and health.
We protect nature by proper disposal of WEEE
According to the Law on Waste Management, electrical and electronic waste must not be mixed with other types of waste. Electrical and electronic waste can contain poisonous and often carcinogenic substances, so it is dangerous for human health and the environment.
40 million tons of WEEE are generated in one second.
60% of the generated WEEE ends up in landfills.
70% of heavy metals in landfills come from electronic equipment.
What we achieved last two years!
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In our country, the collected waste electrical and electronic equipment after sorting in accordance with the List of types of waste (Official Journal of the RM No. 100/05) is only subjected to treatment that implies its disassembly, and then handed over to licensed recyclers.
We provide the information necessary for registration in the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and assist in filling out the registration forms;
We organize activities on your behalf
On your behalf, we organize activities to raise public awareness about management of waste electrical and electronic equipment;
We are establishing a system of collection points throughout the country
We establish a system of collection points on the entire territory of the country in order to collect the maximum amount of waste equipment and we make sure that it ends up in a right place;
We provide advice on other areas of the environment
We also provide you with information and advice on other areas of the environment;
We provide free infrastructure
You get the infrastructure for setting up collection points in your premises free of charge;
We take over your obligations for extended producer responsibility
We undertake your obligations for extended producer responsibility towards the fulfillment of national targets for the collection, processing, recycling and reuse of waste electrical and electronic equipment;
We provide information to the end users on your behalf
On your behalf, we provide information to end-users about locations for primary selection of waste electrical and electronic equipment;
We organize a free takeover of WEEE
We organize free takeover of the waste electrical and electronic equipment that is generated during your operation or the equipment that you need to write off in accounting;
Assistance in preparing reports
We assist you in preparing the reports;
ELKOLEKT - become a member
If your company annually place on the market in the Republic of North Macedonia or as an end user imports equipment without an intermediary over 100 kg from the categories: 1 (temperature exchange equipment), 2 (screens and monitors and equipment containing screens with an area greater than 100 cm2) and 4 (large equipment) or over 50 kg from categories 3 (lamps), 5 (small equipment) and 6 (small IT and telecommunication equipment), then become our member and take advantage of the benefits we offer.